Priority is Safety

TFS is dedicated to flight safety and risk management. This is the top priority. TFS aircrew have exercised a flawless safety record with no accidents or incidents over both military careers and during TFS flight operations. While flight test has inherent risk involved, TFS takes extensive measures to mitigate risk. TFS conducts and practices mission Operational Risk Management (ORM) analysis and Crew Resource Management (CRM) that emulates USAF safety standards. ORM is a logic based, common sense approach to making calculated decisions on human, material, and environmental factors before, during, and after all operations. TFS also conducts periodic no-notice and semi-annual Internal Safety and Compliance Inspections. This ensures that all TFS operations are continuously compliant with directives to ensure safe and incident free operations.
TFS aircrews were recently credited with saving an aircraft during a serious in-flight emergency. The safe outcome of this situation can be credited to the depth of experience, knowledge, and professionalism of the TFS team.